River Networks and Funerary Metal in the Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin. PLOS One, 15(9): e0238526, pages 24. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238526
2019 Duffy, P., Paja, L., Parditka, G., and Giblin, J.
Modelling Mortuary Populations at Local and Regional Levels. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, volume 53, pages 240-261.
2019 Duffy, P., Giblin, J., Parditka, G.,and Paja, L.
The Problem with Tells: Lessons Learned from Absolute Dating of Bronze Age Mortuary Ceramics in Hungary. Antiquity, issue 367, pages 63-79.
2019 Mengyán, A., Bible, Z., Parditka, G., and Duffy, P.
Styles for Miles: A Regional Analysis of Ceramic Design Elements. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Friese, C., Ullinger, J., Giblin, J., and Paja, L.
Burning up and Breaking Up: Understanding Heat-Induced Bone Modifications in a Hungarian Bronze Age Cemetery. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Cruz, H., Peter, R., Ullinger, J., and Paja, L.
Burning Beyond Color: Bone Calcination in Bronze Age Hungary Cremations. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
Identifying Differences in Funerary Practice from the Distribution of Fracture and Warping Found on Cremated Human Remains at a Bronze Age Cemetery. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Danella, E., Williamson, K., Ullinger, J., Giblin, J., and Paja, L.
Distribution of Cranial and Postcranial Elements in Bronze Age Cremation Urns from Southeast Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Golitko, M., and McGrath, A.
Down to the Crust: An Analysis of Ceramic Concretions from a Bronze Age Cemetery in Eastern Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Godinez, T., Duffy P., and Parditka, G.
Channeling the Stylist Within: A Comparative Analysis of Bronze Age Ceramic Design Structure in Eastern Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Ayala, D., Barkóczy, P., Czene, A., Dani, J., Endrődi, A., Fábián, S., Gerber, D., Giblin, J., Gyöngyösi, S., Hajdu, T., Káli, G., Kasztovszky, Z., Köhler, K., Kiss, V., Kulcsár, G., Maróti, B., Melis, E., Mende, B., Patay, R., Pernicka, E., Szabó, G., Szeverényi, V., and Szécsényi-Nagy, A.
Bronze Age Burials from the Carpathian Basin: New Isotope Results. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2019 Duffy, P., Giblin, J., Parditka, G., and Paja, L.
Trial by Fire: Lessons from the 2015-2018 Bakota NSF-REU Field School. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11.
2017 Ramireddy, P.*, Giblin, J., Ullinger J., and Paja, L. An Evaluation of Preservation, Sex, and Age using Cremains Weight and Volume from a Bronze Age Cemetery in Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Barlow, R.*, Szász, H.*, Parditka, G., and Duffy, P.
Spiraling Like a Boss: Exploring elements of Bronze Age ceramic style at the micro-regional level. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Quarato, E.*, and Giblin, J.
Burning Questions about Preservation: An Investigation of Cremated Bone Crystallinity at a Bronze Age Cemetery. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Cruz, H.A.*, Ullinger, J., Giblin, J., and Paja, L.
Bone Calcincation in Cremation Burials from Bronze Age Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Williamson, K., Giblin, J., Ullinger, J., and Paja, L.
Spatial Analysis and Sampling Techniques of Cremated Remains from Bronze Age Cremation Urns in Southeast Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Szigeti, A.*, Varga, V.*, Kiss, V., and Gyucha, A.
Metals in Transition: A Visual Comparison of Copper and Bronze Age Trade in the Eastern Carpathian Basin. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Choi, A.*, Ullinger, J., and Paja, L.
Identifying Pre-Incineration State from Heat-Induced Fracture and Warping Patterns Found on Human Remains in a Hungarian Bronze Age Cemetery. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Duffy, R., Parditka, G., Tynan, J.*, and Balázs, A.*
A radiocarbon-based chronology of the most common stylistic elements found on ceramics in the Békés 103 cremation urn cemetery in Eastern Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2017 Benjumea, G.* and Halim, H.*
An interactive 3D environment based on the Békés 103 cemetery in the Körös region of eastern Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 31.
2016 Acuff, A.*, Ullinger, J., and Paja, L.
Analysis of Possible Anatomical Order in Microexcavated Bronze Age Funerary Urn Material from Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Cercone, A.,* and Golitko, M.
Ceramics Production and Trade Across the Great Hungarian Plain: Chemical Analysis of Bronze Age Ceramics from Békés 103 in Eastern Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Pio, K.,* and Marston, J.
Food Offerings and Feasting in Bronze Age Burial Contexts from the Körös
Region, Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Dziechciarz, P.,* and Kelly, D.*
Geophysical Investigations at the Bronze Age Site of Békés 103 in Eastern Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Bormann, E.*, Capece, M.*, Paja, L., and Giblin, J.
Munsell vs. Hounsfield? A Methodological Comparison in Assessing Cremation Temperatures of Human Bone. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Kostrzewa, A.,* and Paja, L.
Osteoarchaeological Assessment Of Generalized Stress Indicators in Skeletons from the Tápé-Széntéglaégető Cemetery, Hungary. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Ramireddy, P.*, Ullinger, J., and Paja, L.
Using Cremain Weight from a Bronze Age Cemetery in Eastern Hungary as an Indicator of Sex. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Duffy, P. R., Parditka, Gy., Paja, L., Giblin, J.I.
Studying the Past with Fragments from the Fire: Student Research on an NSF-REU Field School. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
The Szőlő of Wrath: Hungarian Vineyards and Land Use in the 20th Century. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
A Virtual Documentation of Excavation through 3D Modeling; Is it Worth the Effort? Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Capece, M.*, Hlad, T.*, and Ullinger, J.
Analysis of Color and Fracture Patterns on Burned Bones from the Békés 103 Bronze Age Cemetery. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Szigeti, A.*, Varga, V.*, and Kiss, V.
A Preliminary Analysis of the Metal Finds from Békés 103. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
2016 Parditka, Gy., Duffy, P., Paja, L., Balázs, A.*, and Tynan, J.*
Rogue Utopians or Bumpkins on the Margin? Bronze Age Mortuary Customs in the Marshlands of the Great Hungarian Plain. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, Florida, April 8.
What Urn Sherds and Cremains Tell Us about Bronze Age Community Size and Inequality on the Kettős Krs. Advances in Eastern European Prehistory. Paper presented at a conference at the University of Michigan on Feb 20th.
The Regional Organization of Funerary Practices in the Körös-Region – A First Look. Advances in Eastern European Prehistory. University of Michigan.Paper presented at a conference at the University of Michigan on Feb 20th.
Diet, Dispersal and Social Differentiation: Isotopic Patterns in Hungarian Archaeology from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Advances in Eastern European Prehistory Conference. University of Michigan.Paper presented at a conference at the University of Michigan on Feb 20th.
2016 Paja, L., Duffy, P., Parditka, G., Giblin, J.
Bioanthropological analysis of Békés 103 (Jégvermi-kert, Lipcsei-tanya), a Bronze Age cemetery from southeastern Hungary. Advances in Eastern European Prehistory Conference. University of Michigan. Paper presented at a conference at the University of Michigan on Feb 20th.
2014 Duffy, P. R., Gy. Parditka, J. I. Giblin, L. Paja, and R. B. Salisbury
Discovering Mortuary Practices in the Körös River Basin, Hungary [Temetkezési szokások kutatása a Körös-Völgyben]. Hungarian Archaeology E-Journal / Magyar Régészet Online Magazin, Autumn. Read it in English here. Read it in Hungarian here.
2014 Riebe, D., Duffy, P.R.
Baroque by Who’s Hand? Detailing the regional production of finewares in Middle Bronze Age Hungary, Society for American Archaeology. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Austin, USA, April 26.
2014 Parditka, Gy., Duffy, P.R.
Mortuary Practice and the Emergence of Middle Bronze Age Communities on the Great Hungarian Plain, Society for American Archaeology. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Austin, USA, April 26.
2014 Giblin, J.I., Duffy, P.R., Paja, L., Parditka, Gy.
Social Variability during the European Bronze Age: Isotope Results from Cremains and Inhumations from Békés Jégvermi-kert, a Middle Bronze Age Cemetery in Eastern Hungary. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Austin, USA, April 26.
2014 Paja, L., Giblin, J.I., Parditka, Gy., Duffy, P.R.
Cremations in contexts: the micro-stratigraphic investigation of population and practice at the Middle Bronze Age cemetery of Békés Jégvermi-kert, Hungary. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Austin, USA, April 26.
2014 Duffy, P.R., Sarris, A., Salisbury, R.B., Paja, L., Parditka, Gy., Giblin, J.I., Fuller, N.*
Remote Sensing, Soil Cores and Systematic Survey in Mortuary Landscape Analysis. Paper presented at the meeting for the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, USA, April 26.
2014 Duffy, P. R., Parditka, Gy., and Gyucha, A.
Bronze Age Complexity and Change in Eastern Hungary: collaborative approaches. Paper presented at the Archaeological Institute of America meeting in Chicago, USA, January 4.
2013 Morrow, G. S., Duffy, P.R., and Tosti, L.*
Virtually There: Offsite georectified photogrammetric processing as onsite strategic excavation resource. Poster presented at the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies meeting in Vienna, Austria, November 12.
* Indicates student author